Bing wins over Yahoo! again


For the second time since its launching, Microsoft’s newest search engine has surpassed Yahoo Search in terms of the most used search engine in the U.S.

The first time was on the day of its launching, which many thought was attributed to the “launch momentum”. Bing however proved them wrong as it its been a month since its launch.

The data comes from monitoring service StatCounter which shows Bing taking 12.9% of the U.S. market while Yahoo search only got 10.15%. Mountain View still takes the top spot raking in 75% of the U.S. market share.

Bing might still be far from Google’s share in the search market, but they are slowly making their way up and Microsoft’s doing a pretty dang good job. 🙂

Source: to be sued


The social networking site has allegedly used deceptive emails to gain new users.

The emails received by people say that members of their site has tagged them in photos and they would have to become members of Tagged in order to view the photos. Some 60 million emails were sent from April to June of this year.

The state of New York now plans to sue the website for deceptive email marketing practices and invasion of privacy, the Office of the Attorney General said Thursday.

As these emails that people received appeared to come from friends or family but did not, which constitutes spam. By accessing those new user’s email address books, they could send out more messages without the user’s knowledge. Greg Tseng, Tagged’s CEO denies this though.

Tseng has issued their response in their company’s blogs saying that they did not access people’s address books without their content but admits that he language used to guide users during registrations was confusing.

“Simply put, it was too easy for people to quickly go through the registration process and unintentionally invited all their contacts,” Tseng wrote.

The Attorney General’s office however, were not swayed by his statements and still plan on pursuing the case.


PCs: The next in line for web attacks?


Cyber attacks that caused a lot of sites to crash and slowed U.S. and South Korean websites could move on to attacking PCs which can wipe out hard disks, according to South Korean government agency and web security firm.

These attacks so far, which targeted government and business sites in South Korea and US, did not cause serious damages or security breaches. Yet.

Korea Communications Commission (KCC) however, warns that the a new wave of attacks will possibly cause severe damage to PCs by targeting the data on the infected personal computers.

The KCC released the names of five countries which are believed to be the bases of the original attacks. These countries are: Germany, Austria, Georgia, the United States and South Korea. It can be noted that North Korea is not included in the list, the country who was originally the prime suspect for launching the cyber attacks.

U.S. officials would not comment though on who might be behind the attacks but said that the U.S. government websites face attacks or scams “millions of times” daily.


Wireless Store from Amazon launched


Amazon has launched a new website focusing on a specialist market – mobile phones! Yep, as mobile phones have increasingly been dominant in the gadget arena especially in these past couple of years, it’s a temptation that’s very hard to resist for the online store.

Amazon Wireless, which was announced yesterday, is a web site that offers cell phones and service plans from AT&T and Verison Wireless. Sprint will coming in soon too.

According to a blog from CNET News, the online store “features Amazon-style shopping, without the rebate hassles that cell phone carriers are notorious for, and free two-day shipping on a large selection of phones.”

The site is still on its beta phase though, and in addition to adding more carriers, they will are also testing different features and gathering input from customers to ensure the best possible customer experience.

“The step-by-step purchase process on Amazon Wireles makes it easy for customers who already have a plan to upgrade their phones.” Says Paul Ryder, vice president of Consumer Electronics for “If you want to establish new cell phone service, we’ve made it simple to find the right phone, service plan and options for your needs. We’ve also eliminated the technical jargon and frustrating rebate paperwork that customers often face when buying a phone.”

Pretty convenient eh?


Sony and Netflix join forces


Because Internet video capable HDTVs have sprouted in the market like mushrooms on a rainy day, giant company Sony has now teamed up with Netflix, an online DVD and Blu-ray Disc rental service which offers online streaming to customers in the United States and flat-rate rental-by-mail.

Some Sony Bravia TV sets (those that are Internet video-capable anyway) now allow Netflix members who are under the unlimited subscription plan can use Sony Bravia’s Internet video-capable sets to watch more that 12,000 movies and TV episodes. This will be available online in the fall.

The models include any HDTVs compatible with Sony’s Bravia Internet Video Link which is a $199 add-on module available for many of Sony’s television released in the past two year and the currently shipping W5100, Z5100, and XBR9 series which is available in 40-, 46-, and 52-inch screen size.

Although Sony is among the early companies to offer HDTVs capable of connecting to the internet, they are not the first consumer electronics company to have a team up with Netflix though. Microsoft with its Xbox360 videogame console, LG Electronics, Roku, Samsung, TiVo and Vizio already has a partnership with the online company.


Microsoft slow in fixing IE bug?


Rumors have been going on that Microsoft was already aware of a bug behind their browser, Internet Exporer (IE) since last year and yesterday, the company has confirmed it.

Mick Reavey, director of Microsoft’s Security Response Center, said that the company was already aware of the critical flaw in an ActiveX control since early spring 2008. It doesn’t mean however, that the company did not immediately address the situation.

Reavey said that investigations on their end started as soon as the vulnerability was reported to them.

So why then did it take over a year to fix it? As according to John Pescatore, Gartner’s primary security analyst, taking more than a year is “not an acceptable timeframe” for a company the size of Microsoft.

According to Ryan Smith, one of the two researches who reported the bug to Microsoft, “The nature of this flaw is sort of unique,” he said. “The mechanics of this are sort of unique as well. It was those unique qualities that required more time than Microsoft would normally need.”

Reavey’s defense also makes sense. “We always want to give customers a complete solution,” he said. “If we had tried to do something earlier, it wouldn’t have been as clean for customers.”

A patch will be released by Microsoft on July 14 “that will block all known attacks”.

Keep your fingers crossed guys.


Jaguar’s latest model unveiled


If you are a fan of Jaguar’s XJ model, then you can start rejoicing now.

The firm just recently revealed its new model – the XJ sedan, Thursday evening at a ceremony in London.

The model, designed at Whitley, Coventry, will be built at the Castle Bromwich factory near Birmingham.

Industry experts say that the sales of this new model will be important to the firm as it has lost about £1m a day (whoa) during the past 10 months. I don’t even want to compute how much the total loss is. J

The XJ model isn’t new in the block though. In fact, the original model dates back to the late 1960’s and has been a source of pride for Jaguar since. The current XJ model was launched in 2003 and was given a makeover four years after.

“The original XJ was a very stunning, revolutionary car and it’s rightfully our place to go back there and proclaim that place again,” designer director Ian Callum has said of the model.


Face recognition app for iPhone soon


Face recognition app for iPhone soon

Yup, Apple’s apps keeps getting cooler. The US Patent and Trademark Office published 33 new Apple patent applications yesterday – that’s 55 all in all, just for the month of July.

Among the apps included are flexible cabling, scrolling lyrics, and yup, two other fillings that are directly camera-related. So I guess the rumor going around the mill that iPod Touch will now have a camera is not far from becoming a reality.

The first app focuses on object identification targeted specifically for handhelds while the second app focuses on face recognition whose reach extend beyond your pocket.

The object identification filling as described by a blog from ComputerWorld is a “system in which a handheld’s camera captures an image of an object either in visual light or infrared, then compares that image with information stored over a network. The network then asks the you what information about that object you’d like to download, then provides it.”

The face recognition filling on the other hand “describes two different systems: one that merely checks for a face – any face – and a second that matches what it sees with a database of whom it knows.”

The system they say, can recognize its owner and thus, allowing you more access on the phone compared to others who just say, borrowed it from you.

Talk about cool, huh?


Twitter for sale


Not to Billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch, that’s for sure. And if you don’t know him, he’s the guy who bought MySpace four years ago.

Murdoch said these remarks at Allen & Co.’s Sun Valley media and technology conference which was held in Idaho last Thursday.

He says he has no interest in buying Twitter, the social networking and micro-blogging site ranked by as the fastest-growing site in the Member Communities category for February 2009.

He also warns other potential buyers for Twitter to be careful of investing in the site as Twitter’s executives haven’t yet turned it into a money-ranking operation with real returns, thus there is no guarantee of sustainability.

Rumors have also been going around about Murdoch and his company, News Corp. selling MySpace as the site’s popularity have gradually decreased since the conception of “flashier” rivals such as Facebook.

When asked about it though, he’s answer is as clear as it can be: “Hell no.”

There. That should end those speculations.


Safari upgraded and updated!


Apple has just released an updated version of their web browser, Safari. Version 4.0.2 has said to have addressed the security issues found on the previous versions. These flaws could lead to cross-site scripting attacks and arbitrary code execution.

The bugs in the earlier version of Safari 4 caused it crash for users.

This latest version has improved the stability of the Nitro JavaScript engine and the latest compatability and security fixes.

Apple also boasts this version to be the fastest browser for both Mac and Windows. According to the company, Safari loads and draws web pages up to twice as fast as Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and up to 1.7 times faster than Mozilla Firefox 2.

We think Windows users are going to be really impressed when they see how fast and intuitive web browsing can be with Safari,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “Hundreds of millions of Windows users already use iTunes, and we look forward to turning them on to Safari’s superior browsing experience too.”



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