Tagged.com to be sued


The social networking site Tagged.com has allegedly used deceptive emails to gain new users.

The emails received by people say that members of their site has tagged them in photos and they would have to become members of Tagged in order to view the photos. Some 60 million emails were sent from April to June of this year.

The state of New York now plans to sue the website for deceptive email marketing practices and invasion of privacy, the Office of the Attorney General said Thursday.

As these emails that people received appeared to come from friends or family but did not, which constitutes spam. By accessing those new user’s email address books, they could send out more messages without the user’s knowledge. Greg Tseng, Tagged’s CEO denies this though.

Tseng has issued their response in their company’s blogs saying that they did not access people’s address books without their content but admits that he language used to guide users during registrations was confusing.

“Simply put, it was too easy for people to quickly go through the registration process and unintentionally invited all their contacts,” Tseng wrote.

The Attorney General’s office however, were not swayed by his statements and still plan on pursuing the case.

