PC sales drop while notebooks soar high


Well in a very fast-paced world where people are always on the go, its not that surprising that more and more opt to buy notebooks than desktop computers.

The research firm iSuppli says that PC sales worldwide are expected to fall 4 percent this year businesses also try to cut back on IT spending.

Mathew Wilkins, a principal analyst from iSuppli says that the annual decline in unit shipments is highly unusual in the PC market. “Even in weak years, PC unit shipments typically rise by single-digit percentages,” he adds.

And here are more numbers from wire.com for your reading pleasure: J

PC sales are expected to fall from 299.2 million last year to 287.3 million units this year.

Desktop sales are expected to fall 18.1 percent this year to 124.4 million from 151.9 million in 2008

Notebook sales are expected to grow 11.7 percent to 155.9 million units.

iSupply adds in their report that for the first time ever in 2009, notebook sales will exceed those of desktops on an annual basis.



Another launch attempt from NASA


Endeavor will launch at 6:03 pm on Wednesday if the weather forecast holds.

Two launch attempts of the Endeavor last week failed because of bad weather in the launch area. Weather forecasts for this launch however, shows a 60% chance for good conditions.

Last week’s two launch schedules were Sunday (previously Saturday but was moved) and Monday both were cancelled because NASA didn’t want to risk the launch in the less-than-perfect weather conditions.

A meeting will be held on Wednesday at 8 am participated by the Mission Management Team and will decide whether fueling operations for the Endeavour’s external fuel tanks.

The Endeavor crew will install a porch onto Kibo – Japan’s first human space facility which enhances the unique research capabilities – for science experiments, replace batteries in a solar panel wing, and do other maintenance tasks.



Child stumps BlackBerry creators


“Are you going to make a phone more for kids so that my Mom will let me get one?”

These were the innocent words coming from a child in the audience at the annual general shareholders’ meeting at Canada’s Research in Motion in Toronto yesterday.

The creators of BlackBerry, the world’s No.2 smartphone maker whose target market are mostly executives, wasn’t able to answer the question immediately.

According to a report from Reuters, the child’s question was “met with hums and haws by RIM Co-Chief Executives Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis before they summoned up a vague response.”

“There’s lots of opportunity and, you know, if the current BlackBerries aren’t acceptable to your mother, hopefully the next ones will,” Lazaridis said.

The shareholder meeting revealed RIM’s plans about a campaign to win over more people to use their devices. The campaign includes sponsoring in the U2 360 Tour, one of the world’s most popular rock bands.



Windows 7 close to the final stage


Another update for all you Microsoft fans out there.

Microsoft has outlined a timeline for the release of Windows 7 to manufacturers to put an end to the rumors circulating on the Web that finished Windows 7 code was already sent to its manufacturing team.

Brandon LeBlanc, Microsoft’s Windows Communication Manager, denied the rumors in the official Windows 7 blog.

RTM or Release to Manufacturing is “essentially the final ‘stage’ of engineering for Windows 7 before it hits the market at General Availability (GA),” LeBlanc wrote.

Windows 7 hasn’t reached this stage yet, and before they can move on, Microsoft wants other versions in different languages completely finished so your friends from say China, can also experience the OS with you.

Another step to take before it reaches RTM is what LeBlanc calls “global readiness”. This includes making sure computer makers, retailers, IT consultants and everybody are ready with that they need to know about the new OS.

And the last step before Windows 7 reaches RTM is the final testing and step-by-step validation.

It might look like a lot of steps and whole lot of work but rest assured that it the wait for the newest Windows OS will not be that long as these babies will be available in the stores this October.



Blogger sentenced for Guns N’ Roses leak


Piracy really is a crime.

That’s what this blogger from LA learned the hard way after posting new songs from Guns N’ Roses on his site five months before the CD came out last November. The songs were part of the band’s first new album after 17 years.

Kevin Cogill’s sentence, which came out yesterday (Tuesday), was two months of home confinement. He also received one year’s probation and is obliged to appear in an anti-piracy commercial.

According to a Reuters report, Cogill pleaded guilty last December to a single misdemeanor count of violating federal copyright laws. He also agreed to help the authorities identify the original source of the leak.

The nine tracks from the Guns N’ Roses album Chinese Democracy were posted in Cogill’s Web site antiquet.com. The tracks became very widely circulated which pre-empted the much-awaited album.

The public-service announcement is expected to air during the Grammy Awards on January 31. It will be for the Recording Industry Association of America, the trade group for the major U.S. music labels

Well at least he escaped the usual sentence of a $100,000 fine, a maximum of one year in federal prison, and five years’ probation. His cooperation, the fact that he posted the tracks for a short time, and not for profit, helped him in this narrow escape (whew!) 😉



Blockbuster and Samsung: A new alliance


Struggling video rental-chain Blockbuster Inc. has just announced a partnership with TV giant Samsung Electronics America Inc. to “pipe entertainment from the Internet to TV screens”.

Blockbuster rentals will be priced from $1.99 to $3.99 a piece for a 24-hour viewing experience. The video rental-chains on-demand service will be available in Samsung’s HDTVs this fall. Samsung’s next generation of HDTVs will also include a feature that allows people to rent the latest DVD releases from Blockbuster via the set’s remote control.

Blockbuster’s on-demand rental service will also be available through a software installed on Samsung’s home theater systems and Blu-ray DVD player.

This is a move by the company to gain ground on rival Netflix whose success started in 2007 by offering video streaming as a free supplement to its DVD-by-mail service. Then last year, the company tied in with a variety to gadgets to connect to TVs.

TV maker Vizio and digital recording provider TiVo Inc. are also teaming up with both Blockbuster Inc. and Netflix for video streaming.



Bing adds credibility to Microsoft


As I have written in one blog previously, many were skeptical about Microsoft’s Bing and its plan to compete with the two search engine giants.

This isn’t a surprising reaction as Microsoft’s repeated efforts to come up with credible search engines fell flat before.

Bing however, changed all that and as New York Times wrote, “earned Microsoft something the company’s search efforts have lacked: respect.”

The new search engine has earned favorable comments from influential reviewers and tech bloggers alike. What did they like most? The quality of its results, the features and the design.

A study also showed that a lot of people prefer the look and feel of Bing to Google’s.

Anna Patterson, who helped design and build some of the foundations of Google’s search engine and later co-founded Cuil, said: “I think they put together something that is really compelling. They made significant progress.”

Although, Bing still has a long way to go if they plan exceed Google and Yahoo’s dominance in the search engine arena, they have at least, already a good start.



Online streaming supasses illegal file-sharing


According to a study conducted by Music Ally’s media and technology researches, illegal file-sharing in the UK has fallen big time (yay!).

The study, which was published last Monday, showed that between December 2007 and January 2009, the number of people who regularly file-shared dropped by a quarter. The trend was most pronounced among 14-18 year olds.

It also showed that more and more teens are opting to steaming music and video sites such as YouTube, Spotify, MySpace, among others.

Researchers wrote: “Nearly twice as many 14-18-year-olds (31 per cent) listen to streamed music on their computer every day compared to music fans overall (18 per cent). More fans are regularly sharing burned CDs and Bluetoothing tracks to each other than file-sharing tracks.”

This move towards music and video streaming though has some uhm, negative effects in the internet.

According to Larry Roberts ( the guy who invented – yep – the ARPANet and packet switching), traditional packet-based routing is not built for streaming services which results to poor streaming qualities.

“Keeping up with bandwidth demand has required huge outlays of cash to build an infrastructure that remains underutilised,” he wrote. “To put it another way, we’ve thrown bandwidth at a problem that really requires a computing solution.”



Palm Pre users: more options please!


According to a study conducted by Strategy Analytics, a Massachusetts-based research and consulting firm, a dozen respondents have both praises and complaints for the Palm Pre apps.

The mobile-savvy users were asked to spend at least five minutes browsing the Palm App Catalog and come up with five apps they were interested in.

And the results?

On the positive side, the users found the store’s interface was easy to navigate because of its straightforward design and searching for apps was easy and understandable.

The top five apps preferred by the respondens included Pandora Radio, Good Food — Restaurants Near You, AccuWeather, AP News and Craigslist.

The complaints? There weren’t enough apps available for choices. Hmmmn, maybe becasue at the time of the study, there were less than 60 apps in the Palm App Catalog.

Another complaint that the study found out is the confusing and vague pricing structure of the apps. Each app in the store displays “$Try Me” when its selected. According to the respondents, they were not sure if it was a trial or for purchase.

Well, as other smartphone app stores have over thousands of apps, Palm sure needs to come up with more than just 60 apps to impress those smartphone fans out there. What do you think?



Send iPhone videos to Twitter in a breeze


TwitVid.com has just released a new application that lets users with iPhone 3GS post videos they’ve taken directly from the device and affix these videos to their Twitter messages.

The app lets users record new videos or choose existing videos from their libraries. During an upload, a progress bar shows you how far the video has to go before its done.

The nice thing about this app also, is that TwitVid lets your followers start watching your video even if you’re still uploading it.

Pretty cool huh?




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