Windows 7 close to the final stage


Another update for all you Microsoft fans out there.

Microsoft has outlined a timeline for the release of Windows 7 to manufacturers to put an end to the rumors circulating on the Web that finished Windows 7 code was already sent to its manufacturing team.

Brandon LeBlanc, Microsoft’s Windows Communication Manager, denied the rumors in the official Windows 7 blog.

RTM or Release to Manufacturing is “essentially the final ‘stage’ of engineering for Windows 7 before it hits the market at General Availability (GA),” LeBlanc wrote.

Windows 7 hasn’t reached this stage yet, and before they can move on, Microsoft wants other versions in different languages completely finished so your friends from say China, can also experience the OS with you.

Another step to take before it reaches RTM is what LeBlanc calls “global readiness”. This includes making sure computer makers, retailers, IT consultants and everybody are ready with that they need to know about the new OS.

And the last step before Windows 7 reaches RTM is the final testing and step-by-step validation.

It might look like a lot of steps and whole lot of work but rest assured that it the wait for the newest Windows OS will not be that long as these babies will be available in the stores this October.
