Smartphones to sell 1.7 billion units by 2017

smartphone shipments

smartphone shipments If we base human’s reliance on the smartphone in the future years to a statement from an analyst firm then we would see how popular and how important it is for once day-to-day activities.

In a statement, Ovum said that emerging markets accounted for 160 million of 450 million smartphone sales a year ago. In fact, 66% of these 160 million came from China.

Ovum analyst Shiv Putcha said, “China is at the center of smartphone development and adoption in emerging markets, with the whole ecosystem increasingly geared toward the production of feature-rich affordable devices. This new wave of affordable smartphones will have a major impact on consumer choice in emerging markets.”

It is also good to note that total smartphone sales all over the world might reach 1.7 billion units in 2017.

“While much of this development is occurring in China, local brands from other emerging markets are also adopting this model. Other emerging markets that will show strong growth include India and Indonesia, followed by Brazil and Russia,” Putcha added.

Smartphones, may it be affordable or expensive, are now a need and not a necessity. This seemingly small device enables someone to do their works outside the office, while some can even be used to run companies.

Truly the mobile phone that we once knew has now turned into a lifeline to us and to the world.

Imagine its importance in our lives in the future!

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