What do you know about the Olympics? (infographic)


Olympic Games are back once again and the world seems to revolve around them. Everyone talks about them on social media and we all discuss the world records. We know some athletes and we might watch some popular sports, but what do we really know about the meaning of Olympics?

It cannot be denied that the Olympics in London are the most social games ever. The effect of social media as a way to comment the games, while watching them, has created a new way to watch the games, spreading the news throughout the world in just a few seconds. The Internet has turned us into experts, since we can answer everything with the use of an online help. How do we answer though when we have to answer without any help about the games?

Lab42 conducted a market research about what Americans know about the Olympics. Some questions were quite easy, while others needed more thought. Before checking the infographic, do you know who Michael Phelps is? Do you know whether there is an orange ring in the Olympic Rings? What does Olympiad mean?

Start googling, in case you are asked at a future research then! Since then, enjoy Olympics on TV and keep commenting through social media!