Diablo III set to shake up the PC-gaming world


Video game enthusiasts long wait is over as Activision Blizzard Inc. is set to release the latest version of its popular game Diablo. The world’s most popular game developer will likely receive a boost in sales since pre-orders for the third Diablo game has become a record in itself, being the most pre-ordered PC-based game in history.

One thing that will most likely become one of the most impressive improvements in the game is the auction house that enables players to trade their items such as sword, armor and potions for real-world currency with the developers of the game getting a cut on every deal.

According to Jennifer Martin, a member of the academe at the University of Western Ontario, “A lot of companies are realizing that it actually can be profitable. We’re seeing a much greater willingness in people to pay for stuff that doesn’t really exist, other than on internet servers. And if they’re willing to spend money to make their game play better, companies are definitely going to capitalize on it.”

The previous version of the game, Diablo II, is considered as one of the best-selling games of all time. Cowen Co. analysts say that they are projecting about 5 million units will be sold by Blizzard in Diablo III’s first year of release.

Image Source: anandtech.com