Nike goes to Twitter


Nike has always been in the forefront of this generations shoe style. May it be kicks for basketball, cross training or just simply for dressing up, they have it.

It’s difficult to imagine what it would be like if Nike had not gambled on their business. It is a part of this generation and it has made the company a fortune.

New releases from Nike, most especially those that are attributed to basketball players, generate a ton of hype. Like Apple, people will flock the stores and camp out there for days just to be the first individuals to ever don their new kicks. At times, cops need to break up the rowdy crowd just to keep peace.

Now, Nike has developed a new system that will make our lives easier as well as their store managers as well. They have what they call an “RSVP dates” where Nike stores in the US will send out a tweet at a random time with a product hashtag. Followers have only an hour to direct message the store account with the hashtag, passport, military or school ID number, shoe size, and the last four digits of their states. Those who have successfully reserved their shoe size will then DM.

See, even Nike is now on the Twitter bandwagon.

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