The life of Google’s Earth Day doodle


Netizens are always looking forward to special days as they know that they would be treated to a surprise by search engine giant Google.

May it be a holiday or any special event, the company tries to commemorate it with the common man with their “doodle”. Google has made a name for themselves with their creative “doodles”. May it be to celebrate an event or even a sign of protest, the company strives to breach the boundaries by creating these fascinating images in their homepage.

Yesterday’s Earth Day celebration was no different.

The company made a “doodle” that commemorates the special day. They did a simple doodle that had flowers that spelled Google slowly blooming in a time lapse. The best part of it was that unlike other doodle that are computer generated, Google dooler Jennifer Hom actually grew the flowers.

Google VP Marissa Mayer said that the flowers you see in the doodle were planted and were photographed at different intervals to create the animation.

Together with Google’s doodle came the text, “Roses are red, violets are blue, for Earth Day this year, let’s all plant a few.”

Kudos to Google for once again creating a masterfully crafted “doodle”.

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