A new homepage for Google

Google’s homepage has been minimalist since its inception. The company’s logo with a little box for your search query and two buttons welcome you to their site and that’s about it. If you compare it to their rivals like Yahoo!, it certainly looks bland and boring.
It seems like Google’s minimalist homepage have its days numbered. The company has begun testing a new design for their website. If visitors click the logo, a menu pops out revealing Google’s top services (Google+, Search, Images, Maps, YouTube, News, Gmail and Documents) add to that a “More” option with submenus that gives you access to Reader, Calendar, Books and Shopping.
The design is still not available to all users. The upgraded homepage can be viewed by selected individuals in English language markets.
It’s obvious that Google is pushing for their social networking website, Google+, to the top. The company has placed it in the topmost portion over their other services. This comes as a much needed push for the young site.
The new look resembles Google’s Web-dependent Chrome OS that is available on selected Chromebooks from Samsung and Acer. Chromebooks have been in the market for over a year.
Google’s minimalist design started in the 90’s when they had a logo, search bar and button and an “I’m feeling lucky” tab.