New research has shown that in-flight Wi-Fi revenues will surpass the $1.5 billion mark in 2015.
According to In-Stat Senior Analyst Amy Cravens, ““While airlines initially viewed in-flight broadband as a competitive differentiator, it is now simply viewed in the US market as a competitive requirement. The future of in-flight Wi-Fi will be less about convincing airlines of the merit and more about leveraging the network to provide a broader breadth of services. As in the hotspot market, Wi-Fi access is likely to become a commodity in the in-flight market, with the revenue opportunity resting on the services and features, not the connection.”
Ever since wi-fi internet became available on airplanes, we loved the idea. Now it seems we can’t get enough and want to install it on all of the airplanes we can get our hands on, and for good reason. In the not so recent past, we had *gasp* NO internet on airplane flights and would suffer for hours without it before we landed at our destination. Personally I think this is a pretty good idea and the statistics are positive. Now if only I can try out the wi-fi on a plane myself…