Will Google+ be Facebook’s Downfall?


Will Google+ be Facebook's Downfall? With Google+ all the rage since they opened the platform to everybody, does this mean the end of Facebook as we know it? Will Facebook be able to recover from this “hit” and come out “bigger and better”? Does Google really know what they are doing? All this and more will be answered in the next paragraphs.

When Google opened the doors of their own “social network”, millions flocked to see what the latest buzz was about. Google awed everyone by showing you how easy it is to isolate friends by putting them into circles, have a video hangout with your friends, and mass upload virtually every text, audio, and video file on your computer to “share”. Now this isn’t to say that Google+ is bad, it has some really cool aspects of its own to put on the table. The thing is, Google already owns a massive chunk of you already, virtually-speaking. Email, YouTube, documents, presentations, books, voice, website analytics, advertising, and yes even search, are all part of what you contributed to Google. By default, when they flip the on switch for anything, they will have “millions” that will sign up. It’s getting them to stick that is the problem. Remember when “Google Wave” came out? In the same way, Google dumps millions into researching, collecting, and aggregating data of one kind or another, so they will always have projects of some kind going on.

I don’t think Facebook really took much of a hit at all. Facebook hasn’t even hit every corner of the planet yet, there are still untold millions who don’t know about Facebook. Roughly 700,000 people are signing up daily which translates to 255 million new users annually. Facebook is still in the process of rolling out new changes and I really don’t see them slowing down anytime soon. Facebook has become synonymous with Google in our vernacular to boot.

Yes, Google knows what they are doing. They now have a “social network” to test out and play with, among other things. They have a solid user-base, but I don’t see them really making a dent at all in Facebook. Facebook has it’s own niche carved out, Google has theirs. There will always be “something else”, but in the end it boils down to what the people say.


  1. unfortunitly in oil countries they make ifaartartt in ramadan which could feed 100 peoplethey invite 10 people of rich family and friendthen they through it in rabishnot only the food but big and sometimes small plates with spoons, forks and kniveswhile muslims in poor countries are starving for dry bread and they do not find itthis happened in aden of yementhen they had hard time they standed in line to buy one laof of breadthey did not respect the gift of allahwho does not respect the gift does not respect who gives this giftallah is greaterand will punish them

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