Google Chrome now on Sony Vaio

Credit: PCWorld
Credit: PCWorld

Yup, if you’re gonna buy a Sony VAIO today, it’ll probably come with Google Chrome pre-installed in your unit.

The FT reports that Google has announced Monday about their new alliance with Sony’s PC division to help promote their one-year-old browser.

“Awareness is shockingly low. It’s absolutely a problem that people don’t know what a browser is, or how to evaluate one,” Brian Rakowski, Google’s product manager for Chrome said.

Although backed by a very powerful company and a good browser too, if I say so myself, Chrome isn’t doing that well in terms of exposure. Rakowski claims that the browser has already gained 30 million active users. However this number is just mere 2% of the overall internet-using population, compared to Internet Explorer’s 68% share.

And speaking of IE, for those fans of the browser, don’t worry because Sony’s VAIO still comes pre-installed with Internet Explorer too.

But although Chrome belongs to the bottom half of browser popularity, it has already prompted its rivals to keep up with Chrome’s faster speed and clean interface.

“It’s not so important everyone uses Google Chrome, it’s more important browser technology evolves as fast as it can,” Rakowski said.
