The newest App Store from LG


As one article stated, app stores are the new black, and a very good example to that is the app store from Apple which has recently gotten lots of attention since celebrating its one year anniversary last week.

But enough from Apple now, as we focus on the newest app store in the block, the “LG Application Store” which released their plans for its home country (South Korea) last month. The store will be open this Tuesday.

LG’s app store will feature over a thousand applications, including 100 free program and available in 15 languages. These apps however, are only open to Singapore, Malaysia and Australia for the time being. Their move to open the store is one way to catch-up with other competitors in the smartphone arena.

This year, the company plans to release 80 mobile phones, 12 of which will be smartphones, around the world. LG’s app store will target Asia first, and will eventually roll out globally by the end of the year. They have no plans however, to launch the store in the U.S.

Hmmmn, I wonder why that is 😉
