VIDEO: #27 Anti-Gravity Bug Causes Chaos At The Fortnite Summer Skirmish



Nissan Leaf collides with self-driving Apple car in most futuristic crash ever

The incident happened in California, where a self-driving Lexus was moving slowly as it attempted to find an opening to merge onto a highway, Sunnyvale’s Lawrence Expressway. As it moved at approximately 1mph, it was struck by a Nissan Leaf (a popular model of electric car) which was travelling at 15mph.

Samsung might reveal a foldable phone in November

Waiting for Samsung’s foldable phone has been like waiting for the Yeti: You see a blurry, probably fake photo here and there, but the real thing never seems to show up. But this year might be different. This is according to Samsung’s CEO of mobile DJ Koh, who told CNBC that it’s “time to deliver” this long-awaited device.

Fortnite anti-gravity bug causes chaos at grand finals

Towards the final stages of the fourth match, in the midst of a tense battle, players began to experience an unusual floating feeling. Turns out, it wasn’t nerves – they were actually flying. The footage has been clipped on Twitch, and as you can see, it’s pretty weird.

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