VIDEO: #10 Your Fax Machine, HACKED?!



Latest Tech News:

Another step forward on universal quantum computer

Yes, researchers are looking into a computer that runs light years faster than our current computer systems.

Beware the fax machine: some hackers target old gadgets

As it turns out, if hackers are able to send a certain kind of fax to your fax machine, they could gain access to everything on your network! According to the research, 45 million fax machines may be at risk.

From ‘Fortnite’ To ‘Fallout 76,’ Publishers Are Sick Of Google, Apple And Steam’s Store Cuts

The CEO of Epic Games is sick and tired of being shortchanged by “digital storefronts” who really do nothing else besides list their games and take a percentage for payment processing. He’s not the only one as Fallout 76 may be going in a similar direction. Here’s what we know so far…

Niantic bringing PvP to ‘Pokémon GO’ by year’s end

Pokemon GO fans rejoice! We’re finally getting PvP mode!

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