HBO Confirms Game of Thrones Prequel Pilot Order Plus Juicy Details!

Game of Thrones Prequel

HBO has given a pilot order to the untitled prequel for the hugely successful Game of Thrones series.

Game of Thrones Prequel

HBO’s most successful original series will not be completely saying goodbye after all. Game of Thrones is set to wrap up its final season in 2019. But good news! The network has just green lit a pilot for the show.

The prequel/spinoff will be created by George R R Martin and screenwriter Jane Goldman.

Don’t expect your favourite GoT actors to make an appearance on the show though. According to HBO, it will be set way, WAAAAY back in Westeros’ history. To be precise, thousands of years before any of the Game of Thrones events have occured.

On Monday, writer George RR Martin offered more details about the show on his blog.

“To clarify, what we have here is a pilot order, not as yet a series order. Though of course we are all hoping that will follow.”

He shares that the project is still very much at its infancy.

“We’re very early in the process, of course, with the pilot order just in, so we don’t have a director yet, or a cast, or a location, or even a title.”

Martin says his vote for the title is for The Long Night but he assumes that HBO will want to have ‘Game of Thrones’ in it.

Fans shouldn’t expect the show to be launched immediately after the end of GoT too. If there’s anything that we’re sure of, is that there’s always a long wait in between our GoT fixes.

A logline from HBO also provided some teasers for the plot pilot:

“Only one thing is for sure: from the horrifying secrets of Westeros’ history to the true origin of the White Walkers, the mysteries of the East to the Starks of legend… it’s not the story we think we know.”
