GDPR Smart App is the First of its Kind


GDPR: The First Of Its Kind Smart App

The GDPR Smart App is the first of its kind with the purpose of boosting employee compliance. This new app has been launched to boost knowledge and compliance throughout UK workforces.

The GDPR Smart App

This smart app is the first of its kind to be offered by a HR software vendor. Cascade HR delivered this app and is powered by game-based training experts E3 Compliance Training. This app is designed to provide a more engaging way for employees to learn about this complex legislation.


This digital platform teaches and encourages people to think about how the law relates to and affects them. This will also enable HR teams to identify topics which departments and colleagues will need to further develop.

Launching Of The GDPR Smart App

The smart app’s launch seemed to be very well timed. The FSB revealed earlier this month that fewer than one in ten of British businesses are prepared for GDPR. Market researchers say that the IT team is going through a lot of effort to acquire the skills and expertise required to secure data and comply.

Of the 96 data breach reprimands issued by the ICO in 2017, 11 are directly related to employees. This means there should be an emphasis on company wide training.

GDPR Smart App And The Business Companies

In 2017, HR teams were feeling relatively comfortable with GDPR. But compliance training throughout the businesses is what will prove to be crucial to companies staying on the right side of the law.

Everybody should be accountable. But training is not enough. That is why there is this app collaboration. It is to empower HR to develop the knowledge of the entire work force. It will also be able to focus on the employees who need ongoing support.

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