EA Announces Battlefield 5 Details and Origin Access Premier


EA had some exciting news to share at E3 2018 including details on Battlefield 5 as well as a new subscription service.

Battlefield 5 is the latest entry in the iconic Battlefield franchise. First launched in 2002, the series gained popularity and spawned several versions. Now, EA is bringing its “deepest and most immersive” entry to the series.

Similar to Battlefield 1, the latest addition brings users back to World War II. This time, the intention is to give an insight into some of the lesser-known conflicts in that war.

Fans will be happy to know that Battlefield 5 will have both have a single-player campaign and multiplayer modes. Some of the multiplayers modes from Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 1 are making a comeback but there are also two new ones to look forward to.

EA also confirmed the Battle Royale mode coming to the game. According to DICE, its version will include the brand of action and destruction that the Battlefield franchise is known for. The developer promised more information will be revealed in the next coming months.

The game is expected to launch simultaneously on PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One. The early trial version is going to be available on October 11 to EA Access and Origin Access members. The deluxe and standard editions of the game will be available on October 16 and October 19 respectively.

Origin Access Premier

Aside from game updates, EA also announced its new all-in-one subscription service.

Basic members get to try new games up to ten hours, starting five days before release. Current Origin Access members will now become Origin Access Basic members and will have the same benefits as before.

The new Origin Access Premier brings full access to both archived games as new and pre-released games. This means unlimited playtime on the full versions of the games starting five days before the launch. Upcoming games include Anthem, Battlefield 5, Unravel 2, Fifa 19, A Way Out and Madden 19.

Membership for the service costs $15 per month or $100 a year. It will be available this summer.


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