Alexa Can Help You with Your Fortnite Dropoffs


Alexa Can Help You Decide Where To Drop Off In Fortnite

If you’re bare tired of arguing where to drop off in Fortnite, Alexa can help you. It may seem silly, but they are actually quite useful. It is actually tough to decide if you have a squad full of voices arguing about the merits of each individual location. No need to fuss about it. Just let Google or Alexa make the call.

It Is All About Technology

Technology now helps us make decisions to some stressful situations. One of these is deciding on where to drop off in Fortnite. Now that is stressful. This can be done via a robotic voice in your phone or a cylinder on your shelf. Artificial Intelligence is not strategizing or anything. It just picks a location randomly. Bit considering all the variables at play in Fortnite, you will probably do as suggested. It will save you more time and put an end to arguments about the drop off point.

The Fortnite Dropper Skill

The Fortnite Dropper skill for Android Assistant is built-in for Android. But it also works just fine on iOS if you install thee app. What is cool about this one is you can ask your question in a variety of ways. But you always have to start with “Ask Fortnite Dropper…”.

Alexa can help

Other Alexa Skills Available

There are other Amazon Alexa skills available for this purpose. Among the higher rated ones is you can ask Alexa for coordinates. The voice assistant can not only give you named locations, but coordinates as well. Unfortunately, it is difficult to create custom commands for Alexa. So you will end up asking Alexa to Ask Fortnite Dropper. But still, it is much better than ending up dropping at Tilted again. That is, unless the robot voice tells you to drop off at Tilted.

Alexa may help lift the burden of making drop off decisions of your shoulders. But this does not mean it will be a good decision. If you do as Alexa suggests, it might probably be your end as it might kill you. Alexa picks locations randomly. Now that does not mean it is a good drip off for you.

The final verdict will be that you weigh Alexa’s suggestion properly. Think about the situation first before you do as Alexa suggests.