Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus For Nintendo Switch Price and Release Date

Wolfenstein II

Bethesda’s Wolfenstein II is coming to the Nintendo Switch in June 29 and will have a $60 price tag.

Wolfstein II

The highly-acclaimed Wolfenstein sequel was first released in October last year for Xbox One, Playstation 4 and for PCs. It will be available for Nintendo Switch on June 29.

Bethesda, the game’s developer, announced the release date earlier this week. They also gave out details of the pricing at $60.

The game is being transplanted to Nintendo Switch by Panic Button. They are the same company that was also in charge of transplanting Doom and Rocket League. Similar to the Switch version of Doom, Wolfenstein II may also have the motion operation function installed.

A review by IGN described the game to have an “amazingly high quality screenplay and acting”. They also conclude that it is a “wonderful single play FPS”.

Although there might be visual and performance trade-offs in transplanting the game to Switch, Bethesda assures fans otherwise. According to the company, Wolfenstein II will include the “complete, uncensored, award-winning story and signature gameplay” of the original.

Check out the trailer below!