Spotify Warns User to Look Out for Fake Premium Service


Premium Service from Spotify is Being Faked

Most of us would agree to the saying that “Music is Life”. Even I agree with this. I can’t stand one day without listening to music. But lately, an app is being used to hack the premium service of Spotify, thus, handing over fake services to users.

There are so many video tutorials which show viewers how to have a Spotify Premium account for free. Two examples of the said videos are these:


This includes you having to login your email address. There might be some tutorials which do work but most of them are used by hackers to get your information. After stealing your info, they will use it for some evil schemes. We don’t want that to happen to us, right?

There are reports stating that there are so many abnormal activities in Spotify. This is the result of people hacking into its system.

In the country, there are so many people posting and promoting Spotify premium at a very discounted rate. They accept cellphone credits, bitcoin or remittances as methods for payment. You can actually buy a Premium subscription for 3 months at only $1.00. Sounds like a great deal? Yes!

But there are consequences. Since the company is aware of this fake subscriptions, for sure they are going to do something in order to implement a solution to this.

This is the same as stealing I might add. Once a person doesn’t have the permission and authorization to sell an item but he still does, the it’s thieving.

Also, with so many hackers rampaging all around the globe, it is no longer safe to get things for free in exchange for your personal information.

Spotify announced that continuous usage of the said subscription and unauthorized apps which violates their terms and conditions will result to you account being suspended or terminated.