PS5 release date might hold back ‘til 2020
PS5 release date might hold back, some analysts and tech websites have predicted. But this may change if Microsoft will move to release the Xbox Two a bit sooner than expected.
It’s certain that the PS5 will be compatible with a VR headset. And it will likely push for a good level of 4K support. But when it comes to release date, the PS5 might give way. Thanks to PS4 and PS4 Pro’s huge contributions to Sony’s sales.
This console’s release date announcement will surely be on the headlines. However, some rumors suggests that Google is up for something. And it could affect the performance of PS4 Pro, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One X in terms of popularity.
Is Google up for something?
Some speculates whether the giant company, Google, is getting ready to debut in the gaming industry. It is in connection with the latest news supporting the idea that a new venture is in the works. Big names in the industry like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo will surely keep an eye on it.
The gist of this news is the company’s recent choice to hire the games industry veteran, Phil Harrison. Harrison is known for his long commitment as being the head of Sony’s games studios. And now, stands as the vice president and general manager at Google’s California headquarters. He played a major role in shaping the Sony PlayStation brand. And also spent a couple of years working with Microsoft’s Xbox team. With these background, he is the perfect person for a company planning to dive into a new course.
Well, Google might be preparing for the gaming industry. But there’s also a chance that they might be heading to a different direction.
Harrison will be reporting to Rick Osterloh, whose current hardware teams design Pixel smartphones. Not just that, they’re behind Google Chromebooks, smart speakers and Daydream virtual reality headsets.
“Google realizes it has a big opportunity in the intersection of augmented reality and artificial intelligence on smartphones”, Lewis Ward, the research director for gaming at consulting firm IDC said. “I suspect Phil is managing a team to pull together disparate internal efforts and focus it in direction that will answer where Apple is going and where Amazon could go.”
Be it Augmented Reality, or VR gaming, we consumers expect that these giants have a lot of surprises for us this 2018.