Cheers to all those Lara Croft fans out there! 2018 is going to be a great year because a new Tomb raider game will be released.
I’ve been a fan of Lara Croft — both in the movie and game — since I was a kid. From movie theaters to Play Station to mobile game, you name it. So it’s really nice to hear a news like this.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Okay. So tentative release date is said to be in the early 2018. The game is recreated from the movie itself. Here’s a comparison video of the movie and the game.
Shadow of the Tom Raider follows the story of Tom Raider and Rise of the Tom Raider.
We just hope that the creators of this game will let PlayStation fans play this and not just prioritize XBox players.
No news yet about the gameplay and other details about the game. But since we are in an era of modern technology, for sure the graphics will be outstanding.
And since the game is recreated from the movie, we can get our hopes up for a great storyline.