Oppa Gangnam Style craze is here!

Psy: Oppa Gangnam Style

Psy: Oppa Gangnam Style craze Oppa Gangnam Style!

A lot of individuals are enamored by the music video and song of Korean rapper Psy entitled Oppa Gangnam style. From celebrities to young suburban kids, everybody seems to not get enough of his songs outrageously choreographed dance.

How can this foreign song suddenly become a viral sensation to the point that even Americans and other nationalities are trying to do a spin-off or parody of his music video? We really don’t know what the reason is.

Here are some facts about Oppa Gangnam Style:

  • Oppa Gangnam Style has earned about 100 million views in YouTube ever since it was released on July 15.
  • The title of Oppa Gangnam Style refers to the affluent district of Gangnam in Seoul, South Korea and is targeted to make fun of the area’s influence.
  • Though Gangnam only holds about 15 square miles of South Korea, but it holds about 7% of the country’s GDP or Gross Domestic Product.
  • 41% of the population of prestigious Seoul Universities come from Gangnam and if we compare it to American Universities, its 41% of those who attend Harvard.
  • Oppa Gangnam Style has garnered 267,163 likes on Facebook while it has been tweeted 786,321 times.

Absolutely breathtaking numbers!

Check the music video of Oppa Gangnam Style here.

Image Source: seoulbeats.com