Collect your wedding photos with the WedPics app


Weddings are a woman’s dream. To some, the thought of being crowned by your king and at the same time being the center of attention, even for just a single day, is magnificence to behold.

Well, if you’re a lady who wants to have all the photos of your wedding day, even the ones your guests took, the WedPics app could be your ally.

It is developed by the team who is also responsible for Deja Mi. Deja Mi allows you to collect and share photos that everyone took at an event.

Deja Mi is used quite often in weddings. That is why the developers created an app specific for this event.

Co-founder and CEO of WedPics Justine Miller said to Mashable, “As our company evolved and grew, we learned that you don’t need to hand people a Swiss army knife, like Deja Mi, when all they need is a screwdriver – so we built an app specifically for weddings.”

VP and co-founder of WedPics Tyler Mahoney added, “The app can be used by anyone at a wedding.”

If you want to get the services of the app, you’d have to shell out $99 to gain an access code for your wedding album. This said code will be the one you give your guests to upload the pics they took of your wedding day.

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