How many feel-good stories are out there on the Web, regarding people being reunited with their loved ones, including pets, with the help of social media?
A number of stories have warmed our hearts and made us think that social networking does something good to humanity.
Another story comes from Dublin, Ireland when a woman lost her puppy. The thing that reunited them was a set of Tweets from her Twitter account.
Public transportation provider Irish Rail sent a tweet that comes with an attachment of a lost dog after one of their trains arrived with a Jack Russell terrier together with other commuters coming from a neighboring town.
According to the reports, the dog was friendly. Commuters even petted the dog along the journey. No bad incidents were reported during the trip.
After about 32 minutes and more than 500 tweets, the photo found its way to Deidre Anglin’s Twitter account and replied to the state railway’s tweet, “That’s my dog!”
Anglin and the railway company, Irish Rail, posted a series of tweets documenting their reunion together. Anglin posted photos of their return trip to Kilcock, County Kildare, their journey back home in their car.
Anglin said that passengers who were with the dog’s first trip kept on asking her, “Is that the dog from Twitter?”
Now isn’t that a lovely reunion brought to you by Twitter?