Facebook Abandoned by Teens for Twitter?


Facebook is currently the most popular social network out there, but are we sure it will still be popular in the future?
We might be addicted to Facebook, but who knows whether we might feel overdosed with it and turn to other sites, like Twitter, or Tumblr for example?

According to The Los Angeles Times, American teens are starting to get tired of Facebook, since they know they are surveilled by their parents, feeling they are not able to express themselves the way they want. On the contrary, they can log in to Twitter or Tumblr without using their name and thus, feel more independent (which we are unsure whether it is necessarily for good). A latest survey by Pew Internet & American Life Project indicates that 31% of Internet users aged between 18 and 24 years old use Twitter, which can be justified by the fact that they enjoy creating hashtags and trending topics.

However, these surveys do not sound threatening Facebook yet, since young users possibly use Facebook too, but not to the same extent as they used to. It’s more of an observation about what teens think of the use of social networkds. How could Facebook be afraid when so many underaged teens sign in, just to be part of this big community? It might be “scary” for them, but definitely not for Facebook’s future.

What about you? Would you replace Facebook for any other site? And for what reason? Freedom of anonymity? Privacy concern? Use of an alternative network that is not so popular? Let’s discuss it!

Image source: technobuffalo.com