iPhone tips and tricks


The iPhone is one of the top selling smartphones in the market today. People from all walks of life buy the iPhone not only for its popularity, but also for its features.

But a ton of individuals can’t maximize their iPhones due to one simple thing: they don’t have time to fiddle with their devices due to time constraint. Well, here are a few tricks that you can do with your iPhones.

Did you know that you can take a photo with your headphone cord? Well you can use the up and down buttons to take a photograph. Just steady your iPhone and focus on the shot you want to take, if you’re ready press the button on the cord and you have a snapshot of the scene.

Close those unwanted suggestion boxes. Well, isn’t it rather irritating to see those spelling suggestions pop up whenever you type, you don’t have to tap the tiny “X” to dismiss the suggestion. You only need to tap anywhere on the screen to close the suggestion box.

Lost your iPhone? If you’ve signed up to the free Find My iPhone app, you can locate your device on a map. You can initiate a loud ring or remotely lock or delete data.

Here are some tips and tricks. More to come in the next days.

Image Source: freeebooksblog.com