Interest in Pinterest surges


Pinterest is becoming a hot item as they’ve seen a surge in membership over the past few months.

Being launched about two years ago, this photo sharing site has seen a rise in its members as they have recorded a double in number of daily unique visitors to 4 million since last January.

The data comes from social media marketer Tamba. They added that most of the users are women aged 25 to 54. Men on the other hand, have slowly embraced the website and now interest coming to that gender is high. 28% of new members are men compared to 20% during the same period.

Tamba also said that social media driven revenue from Pinterest has grown 1% during the second quarter of 2011. It has now grown to 17% this year. Facebook saw a slight dip from 89% last year to 82% and Twitter has sky dived to 1% from 10% same time last year.

According to Rafe Needleman, “There’s really only one startup that emerges as most Instagram like: Pinterest. All the other are battling for position as distant followers.”

Pinterest was launched in March 2010.

Are you in Pinterest or have started Pinning?

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