Google executive sees bright future for Google+


Google+ Vice President Bradely Horowitz sounded upbeat with their new project shrugging off Facebook’s domination in the social networking scene.

In an interview with AP the VP said, “The way we think about Google+ is not pretending that today we can compete along every dimension of every competitor that is in a space. The goals for Google+ are long-ranging and broad. This is a reinvention of the consumer’s relationship with Google that is going to unfold over a period of years.”

He has reasons to be jovial as Google+ has seen a rapid share of subscribers each and every month. Since it opened its doors to the public last September, the social networking site has had an increase of 100 million average users. The figure for daily users is about 50 million.

Horowitz predicts that the number will balloon to 500 million sometime and would eventually see a growing number of daily users.

One of the key features of Google+ is the Hangouts. This feature lets you mingle with as many as ten individuals at once for group video chats.

Hangouts have been a huge boost to Google+ as it isn’t only used for friendly chats. Other people use the feature as a means to teach other individuals and a venue for group meetings.

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