FitBit Aria: The future has arrived


Fancy a scale that has the ability to connect you the Web as well?

Well, if you’re an individual who values your figure so much and a techie as well, FitBit has a gadget for you to enjoy. The company announced last January that they are going to release their combo device. And now, it looks like the release date is only a few sleeps ahead.

The FitBit Aria if connected to your home’s WiFi network can upload your weight, BMI and body fat percentage to the company’s site, be sure to have an account created at, to keep track on your progress. You can also share these results to your friends and family using your Twitter and Facebook accounts.

There is also a free iPhone app that enables you to track your progress.

The company says that up to eight individuals can sync their weigh-ins to their FitBit accounts. The scale has the ability to determine who is using the device by using previous weight recordings.

This would surely be a great boost to health fanatics out there and those who would want to lose unnecessary body mass as this could motivate you to reach your desired weight.

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