Bust leads to hacker’s bust


How dumb can you be when law enforcers are chasing you and you give them a clue as to where your whereabouts are?

Well, Higinio O. Ochoa III was being searched by the FBI after he posted the name and home addresses of police officers on a website last February.

The 30 year old hacker linked to the site from the Twitter handle @Anonw0rmer. The bottom of the site featured a fairly gifted lady with a sign that says, “PwNd by w0rmer & CabinCr3w <3 u B—s !”

Courts documents showed that encrypted GPS date from the smartphone it was taken indicated that it was taken by an iPhone in Australia.

After the feds saw this, they got access to his Facebook page and found photos of the well-endowed lady where they suggested that this was his girlfriend and that it was the same woman in the photo.

The feds then stormed Ochoa’s apartment on March 20 and arrested him.

He was able to post bail by paying $50,000. He is due in court next week to face charges that were filed against him.

Well, I guess if you’re being chased by law enforcement officers, it would be better if you’d keep your identity a secret and avoid social media.

Image Source: Afterdawn.com