Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 to be announced at MWC?

Credit: WakeMate

Is Samsung going to give us a big surprise in this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona?

Rumors have it that the company is going to launch its 10.1 version of their Galaxy Note phone and tablet hybrid in the convention. Reports have it that they are going to unveil a larger version of the 5.3 inch Android at the annual mobile expo.

The basis for the reports is the Galaxy Note 10.1 name is shown on a Samsung MWC Developer Day invitation and a casting call note requesting a “Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 user” for a commercial has emerged.

Samsung will boast excellent lines in the large tablet market as they already have the Galaxy Tab 10.1. Although the success of the device is still in doubt due to the lawsuits that Apple, Inc. has filed against the gadget that alleges that the Samsung phone was a replica of their iPad.

If the Galaxy Note is in trouble, would the company develop a new and a much more different device so as to avoid the lawsuits which they currently have? If that’s the case then this Galaxy Note would definitely be the answer since it isn’t only a tablet, it’s also a phone.