Pinterest addresses copyright issues


Social photo sharing website Pinterest is creating waves and is making a mark in the social networking scene. With its mission to “connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting”, the site popularity is growing in a rapid pace.

Unfortunately, the troubles are now beginning to surface. As the site grows by leaps and bounds, the developers are now starting to be wary of the problems that they have to contend with. One issue that they are currently facing is the idea of “pinning” might violate copyright laws.

According to site co-founder Ben Silbernmann, “The last few months have been a whirlwind here at Pinterest. As a company, we care about respecting the rights of copyright holders. We understand and respect that sometimes site owners do not want any of their material pinned. For these folks, we provide a snippet of code that can be added to nay website.”

This code can be placed at the head of any page on the site that doesn’t want to join in the fray. Once installed in the site it will prompt pinners, “This site doesn’t allow pinning to Pinterest. Please contact the owner with any questions. Thanks for visiting!”