Cinemagram brings animated GIFS to the iPhone


Move over Instagram. A new sheriff is in town.

A lot of buzz was created after Cinemagram was launched Friday. This app lets you do what used to be a tedious process of editing your photos on a software and a ton of patience before you can convert you can turn the latter into an animated GIF image.

Photography is now not exclusively for the “can afford” individuals which used to be. With the influx of starter DSLR’s and inexpensive point and shoot cameras, this hobby can now also be enjoyed by the masses.

Cinemagram is pegged at $1.99 for iOS and enables you to create animated GIF files for you to share and enjoy. Not only can it create GIF files, but it also has filters though not the complete line but at least a handful that you can use.

Though the quality is not as great as those that are created with photo editors, the results are fine considering that you use your phone for taking photographs. The idea here is simple. Creating a GIF file fast and cheap.

What better way to share your photos with your friends by putting a little life into them.