Android beats iOS as developers choice?


Ovum Research has unveilied its annual developer survey. And the results are quite surprising.

The results showed that Android appears to be closing in on Apple as the platform of choice by developers. It also said that majority of the developers preferred to support both the iOS and the Android platforms.

Another unexpected result that came about in the survey is the positive interest of developers in Microsoft’s Windows mobile device. Can this be the result of the hype that is being generated by the upcoming release of the Windows 8.

Though Apple is not losing ground and Android getting the lost market, it seems like the developers are deciding to create apps that can be used on both platforms.

One good news is that developments seems to be going out of the way of propriety platforms (Java, Flash, WAP). This is in facvor of HTML 5 based apps.

Unfortunately, the report does not state the profits of the developers from making these apps. This is supposed to be important since it would be clear if developers are creating apps due to the popularity of the device or is it because the app is suitable for the device. The iOS seems to be more profitable over Android.

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