Tablets make shopping easier


What’s good about technology these days is that it makes life easier for us. Instead of long ques and other difficulties that we normally experience while shopping, technology now enables us to do things while we sit in the confines of our wonderful abode. We need not pay more for toll and parking fees and other unnecessary expenses added.

Tablets like Kindle Fire, the Nook and the iPad gives us the ability to browse through selections of books, music and even video and the best part is it can be delivered right in your door step.

Developers of these tablets have added the capability to send gifts to their software. Though different brands have different systems, once thing is for sure. It can be done.

Here’s a look on how some devices can help ease your shopping experience

Barnes & Noble

  • Has the Nook Simple Touch, Nook Color and the latest Nook Tablet in their line-up.
  • Has Instant Gifting feature on its website that enables users to send apps or Ebooks through e-mail.


  • Since its inception in 2010, the iPad has gotten majority of the tablet users on their side.
  • Downloading iTunes enables users to send audio books, apps, music and videos as gifts.


  • Has devices such as such as Kobo Touch, Kobo Wi-Fi and Kobo Vox that enables users to have access to the Web, e-mail, music, video and a ton of Android apps.
  • Ebooks can be purchased to send as gifts which can come with a personalized Kobo holiday e-mail that can be delivered on a specific date.
  • Has eGift Cards and recipients of gifts can view their eBooks through their Apple gadgets, Blackberry, Androids and other compatible devices.