Apple Tablet: Another slip, another confirmation?


Well, we may treat this as another confirmation to our growing list of evidences of the tablet’s existence..or not. However, any mention of this illusive tablet from the Cupertino company is well-worth discussing, don’t you think?

You may remember a few months back that New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller made a “slip” and mentioned the “impending Apple slate” at an internal meeting with his digital staff.

This time, it’s France Telecom deputy chief executive Stéphane Richard that uhm, made an affirmation regarding the tablet.

According to PCWorld, in an interview with journalist Jean Pierre Elkabbach, Richard twice interrupted with a “Oui” when Elkabbach talked of reports of an Apple tablet. Now, unless my French are that rusty, “Oui” means, “Yes”, right?

And when asked if Orange (owned by the French Telecom) customers will be able to enjoy the product, the deputy chief exec responded with “Bien sûr” which in English means, “Of course”.

So does mean this one’s a keeper? The PR people at Orange don’t want us to think so. They are now scrambling to recover from the slip, telling the MocoNews that Richard’s comments don’t count as confirmation and his words were just taken out of context, poorly translated, yada yada.

Well, what do you think?
