U2 concert to be available live on YouTube



I’m feeling quite music-ky today so here’s another news from the music industry which is still tech-related. 😉

While Adam Lambert’s camp is doing their best to keep the leaked single off YouTube and the rest of the Web, Irish rock superstars U2 announced that their much-anticipated concert will be streamed lived on video-sharing Web site.

The concert, which will take place on Sunday, will be held at Pasadena Rose Bowl in California.

“The band has wanted to do something like this for a long time,” Paul McGuinness, U2’s manager, said in a statement on the band’s website. “Fans often travel long distances to come to see U2 — this time U2 can go to them, globally.” (He sure got that one right J )

The concert will be available for fans in Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, France, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Korea, Spain and the United States. It can be accessed on the U2’s channel at YouTube.

Chris Maxcy, director of YouTube partner development, shared just how happy they are.

“YouTube is thrilled to be able to provide our global audience with a live streaming performance from one of the world’s greatest bands,” he wrote in a blog post.

Well, YouTube isn’t the only one that’s thrilled about this, I’m pretty certain of that. 🙂

Source: http://tech.yahoo.com/news/afp/20091019/tc_afp/entertainmentmusicinternetu2youtube