VIDEO: #50 Facebook Rolls Out 3D Photo Mode


Our apologies for having no audio for the last 2 minutes of the show, I totally forgot my mic was muted!


World’s fastest camera freezes time at 10 trillion frames per second

What happens when a new technology is so precise that it operates on a scale beyond our characterization capabilities? For example, the lasers used at INRS produce ultrashort pulses in the femtosecond range (10-15 s), which is far too short to visualize. Although some measurements are possible, nothing beats a clear image, says INRS professor and ultrafast imaging specialist Jinyang Liang. He and his colleagues, led by Caltech’s Lihong Wang, have developed what they call T-CUP: the world’s fastest camera, capable of capturing 10 trillion (1013) frames per second (Fig. 1). This new camera literally makes it possible to freeze time to see phenomena—and even light—in extremely slow motion.

How to stop Windows 10 using your internet bandwidth to upload updates to others

The launch of Windows 10 brought an overhaul of Windows Update that includes new features to make the update process simpler. Updates are downloaded by a process called Delivery Optimization. As the name implies, this is an intelligent service which is capable of choosing the best source to get you up-to-date.

Facebook rolls out 3D Photos feature using iPhone depth map data

Facebook has started to roll out a new imaging feature to users of the social network, with “3D Photos” able to provide the effect of 3D in a two-dimensional photograph, by taking advantage of depth maps generated by newer iPhone models. Initially announced at Facebook’s F8 conference in May, 3D Photos are slowly being made available to all users. The imaging function gives the appearance of depth to a normally static and flat photograph, with the background scrolling behind the user as they scroll, pan, or tilt the image.

Apple patent could kill robocalls

If you think you’re fed up with getting robocalls, Apple is taking it to another level. A new software patent from the Cupertino, Calif.-based tech giant could help kill robocalls and scams, letting users automatically recognize “a spoofing caller.” The patent, filed in April 2017, was made public on Thursday and describes a system that would let the phone do checks on a call to see whether the call is legitimate or if it is from a “spoofed number.”

Hitman 2 introducing 1v1 multiplayer Ghost Mode

The prospect of Hitman 2 has seemed to be ‘more of the same good stuff, in new places’ but with the game’s launch now only one month and a day away, developers IO Interactive today announced that–surprise!–it’ll introduce a 1v1 competitive multiplayer mode. Ghost Mode, as it’s named, isn’t about two hitmen trying to whack each other. Instead, they’ll compete to off the same random targets fastest in different instances of the same level, existing in each other’s world only as a faded ‘ghost’.

Fortnite’s Next New Vehicle Is Quadcrasher, It Destroys Things

Epic Games has revealed that there’s a new vehicle on its way to Fortnite on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android. If you boot up the game you’ll be greeted with a splash screen with the latest news and, alongside details on the new Disco Domination Limited-Time Mode and the Fortnite Android open-beta, there’s an image and description of the Quadcrasher.


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