VIDEO: #36 Goodbye Path



Linux creator says he’s taking time off, and apologizes for ‘unprofessional and uncalled for’ behavior

Creator of open-source software Linux, Linus Torvalds, is taking time off and apologizing for his “unprofessional and uncalled for” behavior, Torvalds said in an email to members of the Linux community Sunday.

Longer-lasting, higher-priced iPhones can be a win-win for Apple and customers alike, argues analyst

Two trends in iPhones might seem to place the interests of Apple and its customers on opposite sides of the fence. Making iPhones more expensive seems good for Apple, bad for customers. Conversely, making iPhones last longer would seem good for customers, bad for Apple.

Galaxy Note 9 catches fire inside a woman’s purse

Since the infamous Galaxy Note 7 recall two years ago, a phone Samsung pretends it never existed, we didn’t have any battery incidents involving Samsung handsets. Samsung revised its quality assurance process for batteries after the recall, reassuring customers that battery fires will be a thing of the past. Most recently, Samsung Mobile chief DJ Koh told reporters that the Galaxy Note 9’s battery is safe. But it had to happen sooner or later. A Samsung phone supposedly caught fire inside a woman’s purse, and it happened to be the brand new Galaxy Note 9.

Path, the social network Apple reportedly considered buying, to close next month

Social network platform Path, which was once reported to be in acquisition talks with Apple, has announced that it will be closing down next month. Path pioneered a number of features later borrowed by Facebook, including one of the biggest shake-ups seen on the service. It was Path which came up with the idea of reactions, rather than just likes, a feature later introduced by Facebook with much fanfare. Social media users could for the first time express other emotions, such as love, shock and sadness.

New ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ Trailer to Release Tomorrow

Square Enix just released a new Kingdom Hearts III trailer not long ago, but it appears that another is coming on Tuesday according to a teaser shared on Twitter. The Kingdom Hearts Twitter account shared an gif of Toy Story characters peeping over the side of a bed in anticipation for the new Kingdom Hearts III that the tweet says should be released on Tuesday. Followers of the Kingdom Hearts Twitter account responded exactly as expected with Sora gifs and more hyping up Tuesday’s reveal.

‘Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’ Blackout Will Have an Armor Health Bar at Launch

Responding to players’ feedback given over the course of the beta, Treyarch addressed different areas of Blackout that’ll be changing or staying the same either during the beta or when the game mode is fully available in Black Ops 4. While discussions of Armor and whether it’s overpowered or not have come up often in the Blackout discussions, another concern that’s been brought up is that players don’t know when their Armor is nearing its breaking point. Acknowledging this lack of clarity, Treyarch said that the full game release will include a health bar that shows how long players’ Armors have until they break.

Port-a-Fortress item coming soon to Fortnite

Epic has begun teasing a new type of grenade in Fortnite, the Port-a-Fortress. As you may be aware, Fortnite already has an item called Port-a-Fort, which Epic added to the game in April. The new one, however, not only has a higher rarity tier (legendary), it also appears the building it spawns will be much bigger. The fortress, from the art on the item itself, looks to be big enough to support an entire squad as opposed to the smaller tower of the regular Port-a-Fort.

Fortnite has now been cited in more than 200 divorce proceedings

Every few years, an obsession comes along in the gaming world that sweeps everything else off the board. Coverage of games like World Of Warcraft and Minecraft frequently takes on the tone of some kind of epidemic thriller, as reports spread of hooked kids, infuriated parents, and shattered relationships. Now, Fortnite—the massively popular, free-to-play online shooter that boils the current battle royale game craze down into its most efficient and addictive form—is the latest vector of infection, and it’s reached a new milestone in its “video games as pox upon society” career.

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