VIDEO: #35 Apple Is Deleting Your iTunes Movies



Apple, Firefox browsers aim to thwart Facebook, Google tracking

Facebook and other companies routinely track your online surfing habits to better target ads at you. Two web browsers now want to help you fight back in what’s becoming an escalating privacy arms race. New protections in Apple’s Safari and Mozilla’s Firefox browsers aim to prevent companies from turning “cookie” data files used to store sign-in details and preferences into broader trackers that take note of what you read, watch and research on other sites.

Apple Is Deleting Purchased Movies from Your iTunes Without Warning

If you think you actually own movies that you’ve purchased on iTunes, think again. The age of physical media is dying a slow, painful death, but the convenience offered by digital is simply far too great to be ignored by consumers. However, there are drawbacks to going digital. For one, as Twitter user Drandersgs recently discovered, Apple can delete movies that you own without warning.

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