VIDEO: #32 Goodbye Drum Gun



It’s here! Qualcomm’s new watch chip is finally here! Oh, uh, never mind

Loyal Android Wear users are dismayed that the first new Qualcomm silicon for smartwatches in three years uses ancient technology – and won’t offer the gains in performance they were hoping for. Qualcomm has launched its Snapdragon 3100 system on a chip for smartwatches, the first platform update since the 2100 in early 2016. Qualcomm had trailed the announcement by describing it as the first smartwatch chip built “from the ground up”. But it doesn’t appear to be as radical as some had hoped.

What to do if your smart phone gets wet — first, don’t turn it on!

Smart phones and water just don’t mix, but when a hurricane hits, keeping a phone dry isn’t always possible. Experts say even if a phone is drenched, there are steps you can take to recover it — but it takes patience and the ability to leave the phone alone.

Spider-Man is getting a New Game Plus update

Spider-Man has been out for a mere five days, but many enthusiasts have already speedily completed the game and are hungry for more. These fans will soon be able to swing back into the action with some new challenges, as Insomniac has announced a New Game Plus update is in the pipelines.

One of the most powerful ‘Fortnite’ guns is no more

It’s the end of an era in Fortnite… not that some players will necessarily mind. As part of a relatively minor update, Epic Games has quietly “vaulted” (that is, retired) the Drum Gun. While the weapon has only been available since July, it caused no small amount of havoc when it premiered. Its 50-round capacity and high rate of fire meant that you could not only take out multiple opponents (certainly unshielded ones) with a single magazine, for starters. It could also create misery for anyone building a structure, since you could easily unload on someone’s wall and still have ammo to finish off your opponent. And did we mention it was relatively easy to find?

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