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Jeffree Star, Laura Lee, Gabriel Zamora and YouTube’s issue with problematic faves
Keep in mind there is some language on this article, but I wanted to share it to drive home a point in the rant I had today on the topic.
DJI’s Mavic 2 Series Drones Come With More Powerful Cameras and So Many Sensors
We’ve known for some time that the future of consumer drones would be tiny, high quality, and mostly crash-proof. DJI just revealed its best attempt at all three with the new Mavic 2 series. There are two of them: the Mavic 2 Pro and the Mavic 2 Zoom. They fold up. They have great cameras. And in a first for DJI, they have omnidirectional obstacle sensing.
Fiik Drifter
The FiiK Drifter is the first of its kind, it is the only rear wheel drive electric drift trike on the market. The FiiK Drifter is able to drift not only downhill like the original drift trikes but can also drift on flat ground and even up hill at speeds of up to 28mph. The FiiK Drifter also comes with a set of our purpose built drift sleeves, we have the only sleeves on the market that are molded to fit the average front go kart wheel.
5 things to know from Fortnite patch v5.30
Fortnite’s newest patch is here, and it’s bringing with it a few big changes, including a new area on the map and one of the most powerful pieces of equipment ever added to the game.
The marquee change of patch v5.30 is the brand new Rift-To-Go, which allows players to create their own escape routes from just about any situation imaginable. Also new in this patch is the Tomato Temple area on the map, which appears to add an entirely new type of environment to Fortnite.
Destiny 2’s new Gambit mode will be available early on September 1st
Destiny 2’s next big Forsaken expansion launches on September 4th, and one of its big additions is a new Gambit mode. It’s a mixture of the game’s player-versus-environment and player-vs-player modes, and the combination sees players battle enemies in two separate zones with the ability for one player from each team to teleport into a rival’s zone and cause carnage. It’s one of most highly anticipated parts of Destiny 2 Forsaken, and now fans will be able to play it a little earlier than expected.
Here’s What Happens When A Car Actually Runs Over Banana Peels Just Like In Mario Kart
Remember when all of your problems could be solved by throwing down a banana peel, causing your opponent to comically spin out behind you, leading you to victory and temporarily broken friendships? Well that was just Mario Kart, and now you’re an adult, but could it still work in real life?
‘Sekiro’ continues the work that ‘Bloodborne’ started
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice doesn’t represent a seachange from the formula that Dark Souls creator Hidetaka Miyazaki has been refining over the past decade, but it does take that blueprint in a welcome new direction.
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