Podcast Revenue In The US Can’t Be Stopped Or Slowed Down


Revenue Of Podcast Can’t Be Stopped Or Slowed Down In The US

The rising revenue of podcast in the US cannot be stopped or even just slowed down. Podcast revenue records show an increase of 86 percent on its 2017 revenue as compared to 2016.

Increase In Podcast Revenue

The US podcasting industry had a recorded revenue of $314 million in 2017. This figure shows that it went up by 86 percent compared to 2016’s $169 million podcast revenue. This figures is according to the study conducted by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PwC US.


Podcast income is estimated to reach $659 million in 2020, a triple-digit 110 percent. They also examined what podcast benefited the most from the increased interest in the audio format.

Kinds Of Advertisements Used In Podcasts

Most heavily used are host-read ads. This accounts for two thirds of all ads in 2017. Direct response ads made up the majority of the campaign, brand awareness ads at 29 percent. 58 percent of the ad inventory last year went to inserted or edited ads.

Podcast Advertisers

Top podcast advertisers included financial services at 18 percent share of ads. Direct-to -consumer retailers at 16 percent, and arts and entertainment at with 13 percent of all ads.

Podcast Content Genres That Rake In The Dollars

Certain types of podcasts are doing better than others when it comes to raking in the dollars. AS a matter of fact, the top four content genres generated over half the advertising revenue in 2017.

These top four content genres were: Arts and Entertainment (17%), Technology (15%), News/Politics/Current Events (13%), and Business (11%).

Investors will not be throwing money in the business if they think they will not make any money out of it. The main reason why investors invest in podcasts through advertisements is they know they will be gaining from it. Real businessmen will be intelligent enough to know where to invest their money to succeed. And they see a bright future in podcasts.

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