Google Home Can Now Handle Up To Three Queries


Three Queries Can Now Be Handled By Google Home At Once

Google Home can now handle up to three queries at once. It has gained the ability to multitask with added support for a feature called “multiple queries”.

Google Home’s “Multiple Queries” Ability

The “multiple Queries” ability of Google Home allows you to combine two requests into one voice command. This ability was first introduced in November. Today, Google Home is getting even smarter about multitasking. It is now able to handle not two, but three queries at once.

The new feature was announced on Google’s Twitter account. But users quickly discovered its limitations. Unfortunately for Google’s global customer base, multiple queries is available in the English language for the t[me being, in the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Australia.

google home

How The Feature Works

The feature works by combining voice queries with the word “and” in between them, to separate the different requests. Each command must be the sort of thing Google Assistant can respond to, on its own, without further input or clarification.

You have to be specific and give out detailed requests so it does not need to ask a follow up question.

The Beginning Of Google’s Multitasking Ability

Google’s multiple queries was first rolled out in November 2017 with a little fanfare. In February, Google Assistant gained support for Routines as well, which allow you to create custom workflows with a single voice command.

The company formally announced multiple queries for Google Home at Google’s I/O developer conference in May. It was then referred to as “Multiple Actions”. The announcement was done along with a other upgrades for Google Home Actions. It included Routine Suggestions. This allow voice app developers to prompt users to add their app’s Action to a Routine. It also included Action Notifications, which allows voice apps to alert users to new features and content, and more.

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