Fortnite 2019 World Cup Announced with $100 Million in Prize Money

Fortnite World Cup
Image Credit: The Next Playground

The Fortnite 2019 World Cup, which will take place late next year, is open to all Fortnite players.

Fortnite World Cup
Image Credit: The Next Playground

“Grab your gear, drop in and start training.”

That’s how Epic Games announced the first year competitions on their blog post last month. And that’s what every gamer will be doing to prepare for the upcoming Fortnight World Cup.

At the Fortnite Celebrity Pro-Am during this year’s E3, the game developer revealed more details about the upcoming major event. It has formally given the e-sport event a name: Fortnite 2019 World Cup.

Qualifiers will start in the fall of this year and will take place across the world. The $100,000,000 will be split between many events at different levels of competitions. All 125 million players of the game are qualified to join and win in the different events.

The World Cup will culminate in the first Fortnite World Cup in late 2019.

According to Epic Games, the World Cup itself will focus on Solos and Duos. However, they also promise plenty of opportunities to squad-up in competition as well.

Community and E-sports Operations Manager at Epic Games K.L. Smith says the money will not only for competitive play. Epic will also be “supporting community run events, online events, and major competitions all over the world.”

Additionally, Epic insists that qualifications for the Fortnite World Cup will be based on merit. It will not be selling franchises or teams and won’t be allowing third-parties to do so.

Are you excited?