Apple Has Been Blocking Updates of Telegram Even Outside Russia


That is, according to Telegram’s Chief Executive and Founder Pavel Durov.

(Image Credit: CCN)

Pavel Durov, Telegram’s CEO and founder took to Twitter and Telegram (of course) to voice his complaints against Apple. According to him, the latter has prevented the app from updating globally ever since Russia banned the service.

He explains:

“Russia banned Telegram on its territory in April because we refused to provide decryption keys for all our users’ communications to Russia’s security agencies.”

“Unfortunately, Apple didn’t side with us… Apple is restricting updates for all Telegram users around the world since mid-April.”

He also adds that without the updates, the app will not be able to work properly with the latest iOS. Additionally, the company was unable to fully comply with the new European data privacy law because of this.

General counsel of non-profit digital rights group Access Now Peter Micek shares his views: “App updates are essential to bolster the security of users and their data, and to comply with privacy laws and regulation.”

“The burden falls squarely on Apple to justify blocking global updates to Telegram, a hugely popular messaging app,” he adds.


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