WhatsApp Revamps To Collide With Telegram


WhatsApp RevampsTo Fight With Telegram

WhatsApp revamps groups to be competitive with Telegram. Its owner, Facebook, wants to expand the company’s reach by attracting more people into “meaningful” groups. This happened after WhatsApp CEO Jan Korum left the company. A new VP from Internet.org was appointed as its latest head.

Release Of New Features

Changes followed he appointment of a new VP. Among these changes involve the release of a new feature that will enable Group Admins to set a particular description for their community. It also involves being able to decide who will change the Group settings. Getting a Group catch up on messages that mentions their names is what users can get. Searching for message topics, particular users, and specific content will be made easier in a WhatsApp group.

WhatsApp Being Competitive With Telegram

The improvements were made to make the platform highly competitive with Telegram. Being able to discuss cryptocurrency-based topics is the main reason why the latter has become so popular. It has become the preferred chatting platform of the masses. Telegram has provided numerous controls to its group admins. It will just take a matter of time to see which of these two platforms is the most lucrative one.


WhatsApp Updates Are Its Users’ Requests

According to WhatsApp, they based their updates on their users’ specific requests. They want to develop what the users need by using the platform. This is their move to attract more users, and retain the existing ones.

A lot of people are depending on the platform to get their tasks and jobs done. Facebook is trying to get at least one billion users into their various groups, and has now crossed a milestone of nearly 200 million.